Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Reason

Well, I'm probably one of the last people I know to start a blog, being beat out by my little sister even, haha! So I figure it's time to start something that I can post from time to time, if for no other reason than to have casual conversation about random bits. :)

Anywho, the reason I named the podcast "The Will to Act" is because I recently re-watched one of my favorite movies, "Batman Begins," and the quote is used to outline an important aspect of life that many of us overlook. So many people talk big, but it seems that very few people are willing to follow those words with their own two feet. I'm guilty of this myself sometimes, but I generally do OK at it. Seeing the name each time I post a blog will also serve to help me focus on this. I just feel that if you don't have the will to act, then you'll be unprepared for a great many of the important events you'll face in life. The address to the blog contains the statement "No Ordinary Cause" because I feel that everyday, we should be fighting for a cause that is not ordinary. The world we live in is rapidly changing, and often it's not for the better. It will take the efforts of courageous men and women from all walks of life in order to get things back on the proper path towards productive living, and that includes even small acts of service, bravery, and standing for truth.

In this blog, I intend to touch on a number of various topics ranging from sport bikes, scuba diving, and firearms, to model aviation, full-scale aviation, and perhaps even politics, with everything in between. I tend to enjoy a great number of hobbies (maybe too many, LOL), and wish to share my enthusiasm for them with those around me. I also have become somewhat of a thrill seeker in the past few years, so I'll try to share my various experiences as I try new and challenging things. Please feel free to comment on my blogs, share your views, etc. You'll find I can be fairly outspoken on a few key subjects, but open discussion is a great way to see things from another point of view. :)

Stay tuned!

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