Friday, November 25, 2011

This is how you do it!

Here, ladies and gentlemen, is a video I've had in my YouTube que for a long while. I've seen it a few times, and have always enjoyed it, but now it's time to share it with otheres. Naturally, it appeals to me from a visual standpoint, as I LOVE sportbikes (and bikes in general, really), as well as racing. But listen to what is being said in the video. These words are EXTREMELY powerful and motivating to me. I often find myself butting up against the wall of doubt and fear when it comes to certain areas of life, but the advise contained in this video is truely inspiring. Many times, the things we want most in life are shrouded in opposition, fear, and uncertainty. It is at those times that you must fight hardest! Go out and grab life by the friggin' horns, and tell it how things are REALLY gonna be! You may fall, you may come up terribly short. But at least you can say you tried, and you'll eliminate a situation where you may spend the rest of your life asking "What if I'd taken the risk and acted, instead of cowering in my comfort zone?" As Bruce Wayne's father always asked, "Why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up." Falling sucks, but you'll learn an awful lot in the process, and next time, rather than life beating you to it, you may have the chance to kick life in the teeth and say "Not this time! This time, it's MINE!"

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